Now hiring experienced technicians


  • Signs of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

      In case if sewer pipes at your property are over 25 years old, there is a very high probability of their failing at any moment. It is clear that routine check-ups and maintenance of sewer pipes before their service life is over can save thousands of dollars. Obtrusive tree roots, poor pipe connection, or […]

  • Common Water Heater Issues

    Your water heater is one of the crucial parts of your home comfort system. Showering, washing clothes and cleaning dishes aren’t possible without your water heater’s proper operation. When your water heater is malfunctioning, it’s important to respond quickly and troubleshoot the issue. Here are the six most common water heater problems that you may experience and how […]

  • Why You Should Schedule Yearly Commercial Plumbing Inspections

    Why You Should Schedule Yearly Commercial Plumbing Inspections Plumbing is one of the most vital systems in any commercial facility. There are enough toilets and pipes to manage, as well as drains, water lines, lawn sprinklers and showers, just to mention the least. Commercial buildings have very complex plumbing systems which need to be constantly […]

  • The importance of routine spring plumbing maintenance

    All too often we as homeowners ask ourselves why we should even worry about plumbing maintenance. Our appliances work, our bath and shower work, our toilets work, why bother then? To tell you the truth, our specialists at Norwalk/La Mirada Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning often get frantic calls from people asking to fix a […]

  • Efficient Ways to Reduce Water Costs in Your Home

    Owning a house might be expensive. Along with property taxes and mortgages, there are big maintenance projects and minor repairs here and there, energy costs and mounting water bills. It is frustrating when it gets out of hand and as a homeowner you need to take care of it all. However, there are some things […]


Norwalk/La Mirada, CA 91766 | (562) 219-4085