Now hiring experienced technicians

Kitchen Plumbing

Learn how to install kitchen plumbing. Includes tips and information on planning a kitchen, running drain lines, extending supply lines, preparing the cabinets, installing an air admittance valve, hooking up the sink, installing a garbage disposal and much more

  • Effective Air Conditioner Upkeep in Semi-Arid Environments

    A properly maintained air conditioner is essential to keep your home comfortably cool during summer heat. Neglecting your A/C can lead to discomfort, poor air quality, and increased energy expenses. At Norwalk La Mirada Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning, we help you get the best performance from your air conditioning system. This guide contains actionable […]

  • Enjoy Endless Warm Showers with a Tankless Water Heater!

    Are you tired of staring into space while you stand with one hand in the shower, praying that it warms up soon so you’re not late for work again? We’ve all been there — anxiously rocking back and forth as you wonder if there’s something, anything you can do to make the water heat up […]

  • Navigating Heat Waves: How to Keep Your AC System Running Smoothly

    As summer temperatures escalate, the need for air conditioning becomes paramount, ensuring our homes remain comfortable. However, heat waves can significantly strain AC systems, impacting their efficiency and durability. For residents in Norwalk, it’s essential to maintain your air conditioning units effectively during these periods of extreme heat. This article will explore how heat waves […]

  • Energy Efficiency & Air Conditioning: What You Should Know

    Living in Southern California means relying on air conditioning almost year-round to keep our homes comfortable. But as essential as AC is, it’s also one of the main contributors to high energy bills, especially during the scorching summer months. The silver lining? Advances in technology now allow homeowners to adopt more energy-efficient AC systems, which […]

  • The Best Air Conditioners for Your SoCal Home

    Maintaining a comfortable indoor climate is crucial in the sun-drenched landscapes of Southern California. We provide comprehensive services at Norwalk Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, including installation, A/C repair, and replacement of air conditioning, ensuring optimal cooling even on the hottest days. Below, we review some of the best air conditioner models that excel in […]


Norwalk/La Mirada, CA 91766 | (562) 219-4085