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Reverse Osmosis System

November 9th, 2017

You may be considering a reverse osmosis water treatment system. Perhaps you want better tasting water at home or at your business. Perhaps you want to avoid contaminates in your drinking water supply. A Reverse Osmosis system can help, but you should be aware of the facts.

A. Taste

A Reverse Osmosis system can remove “off” flavors in your drinking water. Proper installation and maintenance will be required to achieve the desired result.

B. Contaminates

Reverse osmosis can remove many contaminates in your drinking water, but not all. You must educate yourself about what RO can and can’t do.

C. Cost

A Reverse Osmosis system can provide a reasonable quantity of water at a decent price. You might even be able to install it yourself. A simple under-sink installation is within the grasp of most handy homeowners.

An RO system cannot do some things. Sometimes another approach is best, or other systems may need to be added in order to get the result you want. Pretreatment and post-filtering are common additions to RO systems. Be sure to consider the limitations of such a system before selecting.

A. Reverse osmosis does little or nothing to remove radon.

B. System membranes can be damaged by chlorine and fail to function properly.

C. Lack of maintenance can cause the system to fail to deliver the quality of water expected.

If you lack the skills or the time needed for installation and maintenance of a water system, you might want to consult a professional. If you have serious water problems, like bacterial contamination or the presence of radon, you will need to seed qualified help. But do-it-yourself or professionally installed, a reverse osmosis system can be a worthwhile part of your water treatment solution.

Residential & Commercial Professional Services

Norwalk/La Mirada, CA 91766 | (562) 219-4085