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Home Heating System

November 9th, 2017

Sometimes a home heating system will fail, though normally they are reliable and long lasting. If your system does not function as expected, you may want to try these fixes yourself before calling on a professional.

Take a look at the electrical safety system. A fuse may be blown, or a circuit breaker could be tripped. Use all appropriate safety precautions in working with electrical systems. A new fuse or resetting the breaker may solve the problem.

In some setups there is a separate switch for the heating system. Often red in color to make them stand out, the switch should be easy to locate. Check to be sure that switch is on.

There may be a reset but that you can try. Wait a few minutes after pressing it to see if the heating system responds. In the case of an oil-fueled furnace, it is dangerous to keep pressing the reset button. That can introduce excess fuel into the system and create an unsafe situation.

Look at the fuel reserve level, if your fuel is in a reservoir that you can examine. If your system is metered, check to be sure that there is not a problem with that.

It is possible that resetting the thermostat is all you need to do. It may have been turned off or reset. If turning the heat up a little gets the system working, be sure to reset the thermostat properly.

If none of these steps work, you can call on a reliable, professional heating contractor to get your heating system running.

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Norwalk/La Mirada, CA 91766 | (562) 219-4085